Master CSS with These Tutorials and Templates Helping You Build a Better Web Mon, 31 Jul 2023 19:18:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Master CSS with These Tutorials and Templates 32 32 Retro CSS Text Effect: A Step-by-Step Tutorial Tue, 04 Jul 2023 18:25:40 +0000 CSS offers an array of tools that, when used correctly, can improve the visual experience on your website. In this tutorial, we’ll explore a straightforward way to design a retro text effect with pure CSS. The approach, while not overly …

CSS offers an array of tools that, when used correctly, can improve the visual experience on your website. In this tutorial, we’ll explore a straightforward way to design a retro text effect with pure CSS. The approach, while not overly complex, yields a visually appealing result and serves as a foundation for further customization.


The HTML Setup

We’ll begin with our markup, containing the text we’ll be styling – “1stWebDesigner“.

<div class="retro-text"> 1stWebDesigner</div>

The div class .retro-text will be the hook for our CSS styling.

Designing the Retro Style with CSS

Next, let’s move on to our CSS file to create the retro text effect.

@import url('');

body {
    background: #6868AC; /* Retro background color */

.retro-text {
    font-family: 'Lobster Two', serif; /* Stylish, retro font */
    font-size: 10vw; /* Responsive font size */
    position: relative; /* Enables use of z-index */
    color: #F9f1cc; /* Primary color of the text */
    text-shadow: -2px 2px 0 #FFB650, /* Orange shadow */
                 -4px 4px 0 #FF80BF, /* Pink shadow */
                 -6px 6px 0 #6868AC; /* Dark blue shadow */
    transform: skewX(-10deg); /* Skew the text on the X-axis */
    transition: all 0.5s ease; /* Smooth transition for hover effects */
    z-index: 2; /* Ensures text is layered above any potential background or border */

.retro-text:hover {
    color: #FFFFFF; /* Brighter color on hover */
    font-size: 15vw; /* Slightly larger text on hover */
    text-shadow: -2px 2px 0 #FFC162, /* Brighter orange shadow on hover */
                 -4px 4px 0 #FF92D0, /* Brighter pink shadow on hover */
                 -6px 6px 0 #8888D3; /* Brighter blue shadow on hover */

To explain our CSS setup:

  • font-family: 'Lobster Two', serif;: We’re using Lobster Two, a stylish retro font.
  • font-size: 10vw;: Sets a responsive font size that adapts to the viewport width.
  • position: relative;: The relative positioning is necessary for the use of the z-index property.
  • color: #F9f1cc;: This determines the primary color of the text. Here, we’re using #F9f1cc, a light cream color.
  • text-shadow: -2px 2px 0 #FFB650, -4px 4px 0 #FF80BF, -6px 6px 0 #6868AC;: Three layers of text-shadow (orange, pink, and dark blue) are added, creating a 3D effect that enhances the retro feel.
  • transform: skewX(-10deg);: The text is skewed on the X-axis to add a dynamic touch.
  • transition: all 0.5s ease;: Smooth transition for hover effects.
  • z-index: 2;: A z-index of 2 ensures the text is always layered above any potential background or border.
  • :hover: The hover state includes a brighter color, slightly larger text size, and brighter shadows.

The Result

Here’s how the above code renders:

See the Pen
Retro CSS Text Effects
by 1stWebDesigner (@firstwebdesigner)
on CodePen.0

Final Thoughts

As you can see, CSS provides numerous opportunities to enhance your design. Using our retro text effect as a launching pad, you could experiment with further tweaks like altering text shadows, adjusting opacities or incorporating gradient backgrounds to intensify the retro vibe.

However, it’s crucial to remember the function of your text. The aim is to create a visually engaging site while maintaining readability. This is particularly important when using viewport units like vw for font sizes, which we used in our example. These units allow your text to adjust with the viewport size, ensuring a responsive design.

Yet, care is required. In some contexts, such as headings, vw units could cause your text to appear disproportionately large or small. To prevent this, consider using a mix of viewport and fixed units like em or rem, or setting max/min font sizes with media queries. Always remember: while design is important, it should never compromise the user’s ability to comfortably read and understand your content.

So, whether you’re introducing new elements, tweaking existing ones, or harnessing advanced techniques, every step you take helps you create unique styles that reflect your design aspirations.

Making an Underwater CSS Text Effect Fri, 30 Jun 2023 18:11:20 +0000 Web design can serve as a playful exploration ground for learning new techniques. In today’s guide, we’ll dive into the creation of an underwater CSS text effect, not just for the visual outcome, but to deepen our understanding of how …

Web design can serve as a playful exploration ground for learning new techniques. In today’s guide, we’ll dive into the creation of an underwater CSS text effect, not just for the visual outcome, but to deepen our understanding of how different CSS properties harmonize to create dynamic text effects.

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Setting up the Structure

Our journey into the deep sea starts with a simple HTML structure: a div element with the class underwater, wrapping around an h1 tag.

<div class="underwater">

Achieving the Underwater Effect

For our underwater CSS text effect, we introduce a range of CSS properties such as background-image, animation, and -webkit-background-clip.

@import url(';display=swap');

	/* Using a dark background color for optimal contrast */
	background-color: #000;
	font-family: 'Maven Pro', sans-serif;

.underwater h1{
	/* Font settings: sizing and a semi-transparent color */
	font-size: 2.5rem;
	color: #2c3e5010;
	/* Assigning an underwater image as the background */
	background-image: url('');
	/* Clipping the background image to the outline of the text */
	/* Setting a 10s infinite animation for a dynamic effect */
	animation: waterEffect 10s infinite;

/* Animation to simulate flowing water */
@keyframes waterEffect {
	0% { background-position: left 0 top 0; }
	100% { background-position: left 100% top 0; }

Explaining Key CSS Properties and Values

Breaking down our CSS code, the first point of interest is the background-image property. By setting an underwater image as the background, we immediately set the tone for our effect.

The -webkit-background-clip:text property clips the background image to the shape of the text. It allows the underwater image to fill the text, setting the stage for our effect.

The color property plays a vital role as well. We’re using a semi-transparent color (color: #2c3e5010;), where the last two digits 10 represent the alpha channel in hexadecimal format, controlling the transparency. This enables the background image to shine through, enhancing the underwater illusion.

The animation property sets our waterEffect animation into motion. Defined by the @keyframes rule, it continuously shifts the background-position from left 0 top 0 to left 100% top 0, creating the illusion of water flowing over the text.

The Result

See the Pen
Underwater Text Effect by 1stWebDesigner (@firstwebdesigner)
on CodePen.0

Exploring Other Methods

Different methods can achieve similar effects. An alternate approach involves utilizing the clip-path property with CSS animations, yielding a wavy text appearance akin to an underwater CSS text effect. This method manipulates the clip region of an element over time, evoking a dynamic sense of movement reminiscent of water’s rhythmic flow. In addition, the technique doesn’t necessitate a background image, instead, it transforms the appearance of the text directly. By turning to this method, you’re exposed to yet another aspect of CSS and its potential for dynamic text effects.

Ripple Button Effect Using Pure CSS Thu, 29 Jun 2023 14:45:22 +0000 Google’s Material Design guidelines introduced the ripple effect, a subtle animation that indicates user action. The ripple effect rapidly gained popularity in web design as a sophisticated visual feedback form that refines user interaction, particularly on buttons. Today, we’ll show …

Google’s Material Design guidelines introduced the ripple effect, a subtle animation that indicates user action. The ripple effect rapidly gained popularity in web design as a sophisticated visual feedback form that refines user interaction, particularly on buttons. Today, we’ll show you how to create a ripple button effect using nothing but pure CSS.

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Building the Button

The basic structure of our button is quite simple. It’s a single line of HTML:

<button class="btn-ripple">CLICK ME</button>

This is a standard button element with a class btn-ripple attached to it, which will be our reference when we define the ripple effect in CSS.

Casting Ripples With CSS

/* Styling for the ripple button */
.btn-ripple {
  border: none; /* Removing the default button border */
  border-radius: 6px; /* Giving our button rounded corners */
  padding: 12px 16px; /* Providing some padding around the button text */
  font-size: 1.2em; /* Increasing the font size of the button text */
  cursor: pointer; /* Changing the cursor to a hand icon when hovering over the button */
  color: white; /* Making the button text color white */
  background-color: #fa6e83; /* Setting the initial button background color */
  outline: none; /* Removing the outline from the button */
  background-position: center; /* Setting the position of the background image to center */
  transition: background 1s; /* Adding a transition to the background color */

/* Defining the hover state */
.btn-ripple:hover {
  background: #f94b71 radial-gradient(circle, transparent 1%, #f94b71 1%)
    center/15000%; /* Creating a radial gradient background on hover */

/* Defining the active (clicked) state */
.btn-ripple:active {
  background-color: #f97c85; /* Changing the button color when active */
  background-size: 100%; /* Increasing the size of the background image */
  transition: background 0s; /* Removing the transition from the background color */

Let’s break down the CSS setup:

  • The .btn-ripple class sets up the basic appearance of the button. The background-color is initially set to #FA6E83, a light color, and the background-position is centered to ensure our ripple effect starts from the middle of the button.
  • When you hover over the button, the :hover pseudo-class is activated. It changes the background to a radial gradient that’s centered where the pointer is located, simulating the ripple effect. The gradient starts as transparent (transparent 1%) and transitions to the button color (#F94B71 1%), creating a soft ripple effect.
  • Upon clicking the button, the :active pseudo-class takes effect. It changes the background-color to a darker shade (#F97C85) and expands the background-size to 100%, reinforcing the ripple effect. The transition for the background is also set to 0s, making the effect appear instantaneously when the button is clicked.

The Result

See the Pen
Pure CSS Ripple Button Effect
by 1stWebDesigner (@firstwebdesigner)
on CodePen.0

Final Thoughts

We demonstrated a classic example of how simple CSS can be used to create appealing interactivity in a user interface. But as you strive to refine your UI, it’s critical to remember that each interface element might require different tweaks.

Consider the context in which your buttons are used. A button for submitting form data might benefit from a more subdued ripple effect, while a call-to-action button could be more prominent with a stronger one.

For more intricate animations or synchronizing with other UI events, JavaScript could be leveraged for more granular control. CSS provides a solid base for styling and basic animations, but JavaScript opens up more advanced possibilities.

And of course, customization is key. While we used specific colors for our ripple button here, feel free to experiment with colors, shapes, and transitions that align with your brand and design aesthetic.

How to Animate Gradient Text Using CSS Wed, 28 Jun 2023 19:01:08 +0000 Web design takes a captivating turn when CSS comes into play. It enables a world of transformations, such as taking static text elements and infusing them with life. Our focus today is one such engaging transformation – animate gradient text …

Web design takes a captivating turn when CSS comes into play. It enables a world of transformations, such as taking static text elements and infusing them with life. Our focus today is one such engaging transformation – animate gradient text using CSS.

So, let’s demonstrate how a seemingly complex effect can be achieved with a few lines of code.

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Setting Up the Text in the HTML

We begin by defining our text element in HTML, which in this case is a simple heading:

<h1 class="animated-gradient">1stWebDesigner</h1>

Here, we create an <h1> element with a class called “animated-gradient”. This class becomes our anchor for creating the gradient animation in CSS.

Unfolding the Gradient Animation

The core part lies within our CSS. Let’s define the gradient and set it in motion with the following code:

/* Google Fonts for Open Sans */
@import url(';display=swap');

/* Define animation */
@keyframes gradient-shift {
  0% {background-position: 0%}
  100% {background-position: 100%}

/* Styling our animated gradient text */
.animated-gradient {
  font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
  font-size: 2em;
  background: linear-gradient(270deg, #ff4b59, #ff9057, #ffc764, #50e3c2, #4a90e2, #b8e986, #ff4b59);
  background-size: 200%;
  -webkit-background-clip: text;
  -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
  animation: gradient-shift 3s ease-in-out infinite;

Our CSS setup does the following:

  • @import url: This directive fetches the Open Sans font from Google Fonts, noted for its modern and clean aesthetics.
  • @keyframes: Here, we define an animation named gradient-shift. This animation creates the illusion of motion in the gradient by shifting the background’s position from 0% to 100%.
  • font-family and font-size: These properties set our text’s font to Open Sans and its size to 2em.
  • background: This property generates a linear gradient using a striking array of colors. The gradient direction is set to 270 degrees, providing a left-to-right color flow.
  • background-size: This property, set to 200%, enlarges the background, contributing to the illusion of movement.
  • -webkit-background-clip and -webkit-text-fill-color: These properties render the text transparent, allowing the animated gradient to shine through.
  • animation: Lastly, we deploy our gradient-shift animation. It uses an ease-in-out timing function for smooth transitions and loops indefinitely, creating an ever-changing cascade of colors.

The Result

And there we have it! Check out the vibrant, animated gradient text:

See the Pen
Animated Gradient Text
by 1stWebDesigner (@firstwebdesigner)
on CodePen.0

Final Thoughts

The process of creating the animated gradient text effect is surprisingly straightforward, but the creative opportunities it unveils are far-reaching. With this foundational knowledge, you can experiment with different color schemes and gradient directions, apply the animation to various elements like buttons or headers, and even incorporate subtle animated accents into your design.

Remember, the real beauty of CSS is in its flexibility and power – it provides a vast canvas for creativity. You could also explore further with CSS keyframes to manipulate other properties and add more dynamic animations to your design. Feel free to dive deeper into the world of CSS animations with our guide on CSS keyframes.

Create Neon Style Buttons Using CSS Wed, 28 Jun 2023 15:54:19 +0000 CSS truly is a remarkable tool in a web designer’s toolkit, capable of bringing even the most vibrant creative visions to life. Today, we’re immersing ourselves in the radiant world of neon style buttons, showcasing the impressive spectrum of CSS …

CSS truly is a remarkable tool in a web designer’s toolkit, capable of bringing even the most vibrant creative visions to life. Today, we’re immersing ourselves in the radiant world of neon style buttons, showcasing the impressive spectrum of CSS capabilities. Ready to set your CSS knowledge aglow? Let’s get started!

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HTML: Building the Neon Button

Our HTML structure for the neon button is quite straightforward:

<button class="neon-button">NEON</button>

We’ve just set up a button with the class “neon-button” which we’ll use to apply our CSS styles.

CSS: Crafting the Neon Glow

Let’s now dive into the CSS code to give our button that neon look:

/* Load custom font from Google Fonts */
@import url("");

body {
  background-color: #1a1a1a; /* Dark background for neon contrast */

/* Styling for our neon button */
.neon-button {
  color: #ff4b59; /* Text color */
  background-color: #1a1a1a; /* Same as the background for a seamless look */
  border: 4px solid #ff4b59; /* Solid border with neon color */
  border-radius: 10px; /* Slight rounding of corners */
  padding: 15px 30px; /* Padding around the text */
  font-size: 25px; /* Visible and impactful text size */
  font-family: "Montserrat", sans-serif; /* Stylish font */
  letter-spacing: 3px; /* Space between letters for better readability */
  cursor: pointer; /* Changes cursor to a pointer on hover */
  font-weight: bold; /* Bold text */
  filter: drop-shadow(0 0 10px #ff4b59) drop-shadow(0 0 30px #ff4b59)
    contrast(1.8) brightness(1.8); /* Adds a subtle glow effect and enhances the vibrancy */
  transition: 0.5s; /* Smooth color change on hover */

/* Styling for hover state */
.neon-button:hover {
  color: #1a1a1a; /* Text color changes on hover */
  background-color: #ff4b59; /* Button color fills on hover */
  filter: drop-shadow(0 0 10px #ff4b59) drop-shadow(0 0 40px #ff4b59)
    contrast(1.8) brightness(1.8); /* Glow effect is enhanced on hover */

Let’s break down this CSS snippet:

  • Color & Background: We use color to set the text color to #FF4B59, our chosen neon shade. The background-color is set to #1A1A1A, which is a dark tone to enhance the neon glow.
  • Border & Border Radius: We have border set to 4px and the same color as our text to give our button a neon border. The border-radius property is used to give the button slightly rounded corners.
  • Font Size & Family: font-size is set to 25px to ensure our text is large enough to be impactful, and font-family is set to ‘Montserrat’, a stylish sans-serif font, to give our text an appealing look.
  • Letter Spacing & Font Weight: We used letter-spacing to provide some space between letters for better readability, and font-weight is set to bold for more emphasis.
  • Filter & Transition: The filter property is employed to apply the drop-shadow function twice to create a glowing effect around the text and the border. This glow effect intensifies upon hovering. The transition property ensures a smooth transformation of colors when the button is hovered over.

The Result

See the Pen
Neon Style Button
by 1stWebDesigner (@firstwebdesigner)
on CodePen.0

Final Thoughts

This approach provides a straightforward way to create a neon-style button. However, it’s only one of many possible techniques.

In the broader scope of CSS, there are numerous ways to enhance this effect. For instance, using transform property for animated scaling effects, controlling opacity for more depth, using CSS variables for easier management of values, and leveraging pseudo-elements like :before and :after for more complex effects.

If the neon button is meant to serve as a link, it might be more semantically appropriate and beneficial for SEO to use an <a> element instead of a <button>.

Also, to make designs more responsive, consider using relative units like em or rem instead of px, which allows for more fluid scaling across different screen sizes.

Playing around with different box-shadow values can lead to different glow intensities and spread. Combining all these methods can yield an even more impressive and dynamic neon button.

Don’t hesitate to take what you’ve learned here and push it a step further. CSS is full of such opportunities for those willing to explore!

CSS Keyframes: From Static to Dynamic Designs Tue, 27 Jun 2023 19:34:03 +0000 Web designers often seek tools that can bring static elements to life, and CSS keyframes are a great ally for this task. Keyframes enable us to animate elements over a certain duration, providing our designs with a dynamic feel. Below, …

Web designers often seek tools that can bring static elements to life, and CSS keyframes are a great ally for this task. Keyframes enable us to animate elements over a certain duration, providing our designs with a dynamic feel. Below, we’ll cover the basics of using keyframes, from defining animations to applying them to our elements.

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Understanding the Structure of CSS Keyframes

At the core of every CSS animation are keyframes, which define the stages of an animation sequence. Keyframes are declared using the @keyframes rule, followed by an animation name of your choice. The name we use in the example below, changeBackground, is arbitrary – you could name it anything that suits your needs.

Here’s an illustration:

/* Keyframe declaration */
@keyframes changeBackground {
  0%   { background: #ff0000; } /* Red at the start */
  50%  { background: #00ff00; } /* Green in the middle */
  100% { background: #0000ff; } /* Blue at the end */

The changeBackground keyframe dictates how the background color of an element will transition during the animation. At the start of the animation (0%), the background is red. At the midway point (50%), the background changes to green. Finally, at the end of the animation (100%), the background transitions to blue.

Applying CSS Keyframes to an Element

Now, let’s apply our keyframes to an HTML element using the animation shorthand property:

/* Applying keyframe to an element */
.myElement {
  animation: changeBackground 2s ease-in-out 1s infinite alternate;

In this case, we’ve applied the changeBackground keyframe to an element with the .myElement class. The animation alters the background color of this element over a defined period, according to the stages we set in the keyframe.

Dissecting the Animation Shorthand

The animation shorthand property encapsulates several animation-related properties:

/* The animation shorthand */
animation: changeBackground 2s ease-in-out 1s infinite alternate;
  • changeBackground: The keyframe we defined earlier.
  • 2s: One cycle of the animation will last 2 seconds.
  • ease-in-out: The pace of the animation, starting slow, becoming fast in the middle, and then ending slow.
  • 1s: The animation will start after a delay of 1 second.
  • infinite: The animation will repeat indefinitely.
  • alternate: The animation will alternate directions each cycle.

These are the most commonly used properties but remember that you can also specify animation-fill-mode, animation-play-state, and more. Each property can also be specified separately if you want more control over the animation.

Manipulating Animation Timeline with Percentages and Keywords

Keyframe animations allow changes in style to be dictated using either percentages or the from and to keywords. from represents the start (0%), and to represents the end (100%) of the animation:

/* Keyframe declaration using keywords */
@keyframes fadeInOut {
from { opacity: 0; } /* The element is fully transparent at the start */
to { opacity: 1; } /* The element is fully visible at the end */

.myElement {
  animation: fadeInOut 3s ease-in-out 1s infinite alternate;

In the fadeInOut keyframe above, we’re changing the element’s opacity. It starts with being fully transparent (opacity: 0) and transitions to being fully visible (opacity: 1). The from and to keywords can be used interchangeably with 0% and 100%, respectively.

So, when this animation is applied to .myElement, the element will gradually fade in over a 3-second duration, from being completely transparent to fully visible. After a 1-second delay, the process will reverse, causing the element to fade out, creating an ongoing cycle of fading in and out due to the infinite and alternate keywords.

Bringing It All Together

Let’s look at a slightly more detailed example:

/* Keyframe declaration */
@keyframes spin {
  0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } /* Element starts at its original position */
  50% { transform: rotate(180deg); } /* Rotates 180 degrees halfway through the animation */
  100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } /* Completes a full rotation at the end */

.box {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background: #FF4B59; /* Specific shade of red */
  animation: spin 2s linear infinite; /* Applies the spin animation */

And here’s our HTML element:

<div class="box"></div>

In the above example, we define an animation named spin that rotates an element. We apply this animation to a <div> element with the class .box. This <div> is a square with a specific shade of red. It will continue to rotate, creating a loop because of the infinite keyword. The transform property with the rotate() function is used to alter the position of the element, providing the rotation effect. The linear keyword ensures that the rotation speed is consistent throughout the animation.

See the Pen CSS Text Embossing Effect by 1stWebDesigner (@firstwebdesigner) on CodePen.0


CSS keyframes form the foundation of most CSS animations. Naturally, there’s more to learn and experiment with beyond the aspects we covered. For instance, consider exploring the steps() function in CSS animations, which allows you to break your animation into segments, giving you “frame by frame” control.

When it comes to interactive animations, JavaScript can be combined with CSS keyframes to trigger animations based on user actions like clicks or scrolls. Meanwhile, SVG animations offer more complex graphical animations beyond standard HTML elements, allowing you to animate individual parts of an SVG image for intricate visual effects.

As your understanding of CSS keyframes deepens, you’ll be able to leverage them more effectively to improve your designs and their user experience. Consider using animations for user guidance, interaction feedback, or simply to elevate your designs.

However, remember that animations can be resource-intensive. Strive for a balance between the aesthetic appeal of animations and your website’s performance. Techniques such as reducing the number of animated properties or minimizing the number of keyframes can help you achieve this balance.

How to Create a CSS Text Embossing Effect Tue, 27 Jun 2023 14:09:30 +0000 Embossing is a graphical effect used to give the impression that the surface of an image has been raised or pressed in. In web design, an embossed text effect can give your typography a three-dimensional look and feel, often lending …

Embossing is a graphical effect used to give the impression that the surface of an image has been raised or pressed in. In web design, an embossed text effect can give your typography a three-dimensional look and feel, often lending an elegant and sophisticated touch to your web pages. With the power of CSS, we can create an embossing text effect without the need for any images or additional software. Let’s explore how to accomplish this.

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HTML Setup

We start with a basic HTML setup – a <div> element with a class of embossed-text:

<div class="embossed-text">

Creating the CSS Text Embossing Effect

Next, we turn our attention to the CSS, which gives us the desired embossing effect. We’re using the bold and distinctive Truculenta font:

@import url("");

.embossed-text {
 font-family: "Truculenta", sans-serif; /* Set the font to Truculenta */
 font-size: 4em; /* Increase the text size */
 background: #f8bf32; /* Set the warm, summer-like background color */
 color: #2b1e0d; /* Set a rich dark color for the text */
 text-align: center; /* Center align the text */
 padding: 50px; /* Add padding around the text */
 box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); /* Create depth with a box shadow */
 text-shadow: -2px -2px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6),
  3px 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); /* Create the embossed effect */

Let’s break down each CSS property:

  • font-family: 'Truculenta', sans-serif; – This sets our text font to Truculenta, a bold and punchy font that is excellent for effects like this.
  • font-size: 4em; – This sets the size of our text, making it large enough and noticeable. An embossed effect works well with larger font sizes, and 4em is a suitable size for demonstration.
  • background: #F8BF32; and color: #2B1E0D; – These set the background color of our container to a warm summer color, and the text color to a rich dark tone. The contrast between the two colors enhances the embossed effect.
  • text-align: center; and padding: 50px; – These center our text and provide padding around it, ensuring the embossed text is well-positioned and well-spaced.
  • box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); – This adds a box shadow around our container, enhancing the depth effect.
  • text-shadow: -2px -2px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6), 3px 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); – This property is the main focus, creating the embossed effect. The text-shadow property is defined by two shadows here:
    • A light shadow is positioned at the top left (-2px -2px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)). This acts like a light source, contributing to the illusion of depth.
    • A darker shadow is applied at the bottom right (3px 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)). This adds to the effect by mimicking a shadow, further enhancing the embossed look.

Through these simple steps, you’ve created an embossed text effect using CSS.

The Result

See the Pen
Spinner Loader with Pure CSS
by 1stWebDesigner (@firstwebdesigner)
on CodePen.0

Final Thoughts

Adding an embossed effect to your text with CSS can introduce a subtle, tactile element to your website. As a designer, it’s one more tool in your toolkit to help differentiate your site. Remember, though, that like all design elements, it should be used thoughtfully and not in excess. It works best when applied to headers or highlighted text, where it can add emphasis without being overbearing.

The beauty of CSS lies in its flexibility and depth. With some experimentation, you can adapt this CSS text embossing effect to suit your design aesthetic. Enjoy exploring the possibilities!

Crafting a Spinning Loader with Pure CSS Mon, 26 Jun 2023 18:51:40 +0000 Imagine you’re on a website, eagerly waiting for content to load, but all you see is a blank screen. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? The spinning loader, or spinner, is a UI element designed to combat this exact problem. It informs …

Imagine you’re on a website, eagerly waiting for content to load, but all you see is a blank screen. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? The spinning loader, or spinner, is a UI element designed to combat this exact problem. It informs users that the system hasn’t stalled — it’s just busy fetching data. Today, we’ll be crafting a loader with pure CSS that effectively communicates this busy state.

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Crafting a Loader with Pure CSS

We’ll first structure our spinner using HTML, then we’ll style and animate it using CSS.

HTML Structure for the CSS Loader

<div class="spinner"></div>

Our structure is lightweight, comprising a single div element with a class of “spinner”. This div will serve as the container for our loader.

Now that we’ve set the HTML structure, let’s proceed to craft the spinner using pure CSS.

CSS Styling and Animation for the Loader

/* Defining the Spinner */
.spinner {
  border: 14px solid #e8e8e8; /* Light grey */
  border-top: 14px solid #f65b5f; /* Our color */
  border-radius: 50%; /* Circle */
  width: 80px; 
  height: 80px; 
  animation: spin 1s ease infinite; /* Animation */

/* Animation for Spinning Effect */
@keyframes spin {
    to {
        transform: rotate(1turn); /* Full rotation */

In the CSS, we define the .spinner class where we design the visual aspects and motion of our loader:

  • The border is set to be 14px wide with a light grey color (#e8e8e8). This creates a circle, which becomes our loader’s base.
  • The border-top is given a solid, visually appealing color (#f65b5f) to make it stand out against the lighter circle.
  • We then make the border circular by setting the border-radius property to 50%.
  • The dimensions of the spinner are set with the width and height properties, each set to 80px, giving our spinner a balanced size.
  • The animation property defines our animation:
    • The animation’s name is “spin”, which we have defined in the @keyframes rule.
    • The duration is set to 1s, striking a balance between a fast and slow spin.
    • The animation-timing-function is set to ease, giving the animation a more natural feel.
    • The animation-iteration-count is set to infinite, meaning the animation will run indefinitely — perfect for a loader.

Finally, the @keyframes rule spin defines what the animation does — it rotates the spinner one full turn (1turn).

The Result

See the Pen
Spinner Loader with Pure CSS
by 1stWebDesigner (@firstwebdesigner)
on CodePen.0

Wrapping Up

Crafting a neat loader isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a crucial tool that communicates system activity to users. When paired with effective UX writing and controlled with JavaScript, loaders can do more than indicate data-fetching; they can convey various states of processes in complex applications. Accompanying messages can offer insights like the operation type or completion time estimate.

Consider an e-commerce site using a small spinner on a “Buy Now” button to show a transaction is underway, with a note saying “Processing your purchase…”. For tasks with longer wait times, like report generation, a fullscreen loader might be suitable, potentially with a progress bar or comforting message such as “Compiling your custom report…”.

But it’s vital that the loader and its messages fit your design language and meet user expectations. The goal is to reduce wait-time friction and create a smooth, intuitive user experience.

Creating Ghost Buttons with CSS Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:32:00 +0000 In recent years, ghost buttons have solidified their position as a trendy and elegant element. Characterized by their transparent nature and minimalist outline, ghost buttons, also known as “empty” or “naked” buttons, offers a sleek, clean aesthetic that can improve …

In recent years, ghost buttons have solidified their position as a trendy and elegant element. Characterized by their transparent nature and minimalist outline, ghost buttons, also known as “empty” or “naked” buttons, offers a sleek, clean aesthetic that can improve user experience. Below, we’ll explore how to create such a ghost button using CSS.


UX Consideration for Ghost Buttons

Ghost buttons are typically bordered by a fine line and contain plain text within. Often used as CTAs, they provide a neat appearance, grabbing attention with high contrast while offering a fresh take on the “flat” look.

Furthermore, they’ve become popular because they’re simple to design, help create focal points without overwhelming the user, and improve aesthetics by maintaining a clean UI. Plus, they easily integrate into any design due to their ability to blend with the environment.

Despite their benefits, ghost buttons must be used wisely. Inappropriate placement can cause them to blend too much with the overall layout, and in worst-case scenarios, they can be mistaken for input fields. It would be best if you were cautious when using them, especially on a background image, as they can fall too far into the background and lead to text legibility issues.

Now that we understand certain UX implications, let’s create one using HTML and CSS.

Setting Up the Structure for Our Ghost Button

The first step to creating a Ghost Button with CSS involves setting up the HTML structure. In this setup, we’re using the <a> element to serve as the base for our Ghost Button. Here’s how it looks:

<a href="" class="elegant-ghost-button" target="_blank">Featured</a> 

Styling the Ghost Button with CSS

The next step is to define the appearance of our ghost button. Here’s a look at the CSS code we’ll be using:

body {
  background: #1b1f25;

/* Styling our Ghost Button */
.elegant-ghost-button {
    text-align: center;  /* Centers the button text */
    color: #ffffff;  /* Sets text color */
    background: #1b1f25;  /* Matches button background with body background for the 'ghost' effect */
    border: 1px solid #ffffff;  /* Sets a thin white border around the button */
    font-size: 18px;
    padding: 12px 12px;
    display: inline-block;  /* Enables the button to align better with other elements */
    text-decoration: none;  /* Removes the default underline of the anchor text */
    font-family: "Maven Pro", sans-serif;
    min-width: 120px;  /* Ensures a sufficient clickable area */
    transition: background 0.3s ease-in-out, color 0.3s ease-in-out;  /* Adds a smooth color transition on hover */

/* Changes color and background on hover to provide dynamic feedback */
.elegant-ghost-button:hover, .elegant-ghost-button:active {
  color: #1b1f25;
  background: #ffffff;

Initially, the body background color is set to #1b1f25, a dark hue that will contrast effectively with our ghost button.

Then we move to the .elegant-ghost-button class to define our button’s look and behavior:

  • text-align: center – This property is used to horizontally align the text within the button, aiding in visual balance.
  • color and background – The color property is set to #ffffff, which results in white text. The background is the same color as the body’s background. This helps create the ‘ghost’ effect, where the button appears to blend with the background.
  • border: 1px solid #ffffff – This property outlines the button with a thin white border, further defining the ghost button effect.
  • font-size and font-family – These properties specify the text’s size (18px) and font (“Maven Pro”, sans-serif) for an easy-to-read and attractive button label.
  • padding: 12px 24px – The padding property provides space around the text and also defines the button’s dimensions.
  • display: inline-block – This property ensures the button aligns properly with other inline elements.
  • text-decoration: none – This property is used to remove the default underline that usually accompanies anchor text.
  • transition – This property smoothens the color change over a 0.3 seconds duration when the button is hovered over or clicked. The effect is engaging, as the background color turns white and the text color darkens to #1b1f1f.

In addition to the static properties of the button, the hover effect is crucial to its interactivity. The .elegant-ghost-button:hover, .elegant-ghost-button:active selectors are used to switch the background and text color when the user interacts with the button, providing clear feedback that the button is clickable.

In a more practical scenario, these properties and their values might require adjustments to resonate with your website’s design theme and functional requirements. For instance, you may need to modify the button’s dimensions, colors, font properties, and transition duration to align with your site’s aesthetic. To improve the responsiveness across different devices, you might need to employ media queries to adjust padding and font size according to the viewport size. Lastly, for layouts using flexbox or grid, the management of the button’s size and positioning would need to be considered.

The Result

See the Pen
Ghost Button CSS #1
by 1stWebDesigner (@firstwebdesigner)
on CodePen.0

Final Thoughts

Ghost buttons introduce a minimalist and clean design to web pages, making them particularly useful in contexts where a simplistic, understated aesthetic is desired. However, due to their subtle nature, they may not stand out as prominently as other design elements. As such, using them as the primary CTA on your webpage might not be the most effective strategy.

They often shine when used for secondary or tertiary actions, where their understated elegance can enhance the overall design without drawing unnecessary attention. For instance, they can be used as navigational buttons, form submission buttons, or secondary action prompts that complement a primary, more conspicuous CTA.

Remember, successful design hinges on understanding and applying elements in their effective contexts. Ghost buttons, when used judiciously, can contribute to a visually pleasing and user-friendly interface.

How to Create a CSS-Only Toggle Button Fri, 23 Jun 2023 21:02:33 +0000 With the growing eco-system of CSS, designers, and developers are continually seeking ways to leverage its power for interactive UI elements. One such element is the toggle button, an essential interactive component. While more complex features might require JavaScript or …

With the growing eco-system of CSS, designers, and developers are continually seeking ways to leverage its power for interactive UI elements. One such element is the toggle button, an essential interactive component. While more complex features might require JavaScript or additional libraries, this guide focuses on how to create a CSS-only toggle button, providing you with the fundamental understanding that serves as the stepping stone to more advanced concepts.

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Setting the HTML Structure for Our Toggle Button

The first step towards creating a CSS-only toggle button is setting up a suitable HTML structure. We’ll use the following code:

<label class="toggle-switch">
  <input type="checkbox">
  <span class="switch"></span>

Our structure begins with a <label> element, containing an <input> of type checkbox and a <span>. The checkbox input is what we’ll be toggling. The <span> element, meanwhile, will be visually representing our switch. When the checkbox is clicked, we’ll use CSS to visually “move” the switch within the label.

Styling the Toggle Button with CSS

With our HTML structure established, we turn to CSS to bring our toggle button to life. Here’s the CSS code with comments explaining each section:

/* Defines the switch's outer container */
.toggle-switch {
  display: inline-block;  
  position: relative;     
  width: 60px;            
  height: 34px;           

/* Hides the actual checkbox input */
.toggle-switch input { 
  opacity: 0;
  width: 0;
  height: 0;

/* Styles the switch's slider */
.switch {
  position: absolute;    
  cursor: pointer;       
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  background-color: #ccc;
  transition: .4s;        
  border-radius: 34px;    

/* Styles the switch's circle that moves back and forth */
.switch::before {
  position: absolute;
  content: "";            
  height: 26px;           
  width: 26px;
  left: 4px;              
  bottom: 4px;
  background-color: white;
  transition: .4s;        
  border-radius: 50%;    

/* Changes the background color and circle position when checked */
input:checked + .switch {
  background-color: #4caf50; 

input:checked + .switch::before {
  transform: translateX(26px);

In our CSS code, we initially set up a container for our switch using the .toggle-switch rule. This rule sets the dimensions and positioning of the switch.

Next, the .toggle-switch input rule hides the actual checkbox input. While it’s hidden from the visual UI, the input remains functional and can be interacted with programmatically.

The .switch rule then provides styling for the switch’s slider, setting the color, shape, and transition effect.

The .switch::before rule styles the circle within the switch, which moves left and right when the switch is toggled.

Lastly, the input:checked + .switch and input:checked + .switch::before rules control the appearance of the switch when it’s checked, changing the background color of the slider and the position of the circle, respectively.

See the Pen
Button Toggle with CSS only
by 1stWebDesigner (@firstwebdesigner)
on CodePen.0

Going Beyond the Basics

The CSS-only toggle button in this tutorial is a simplified model. When complexity escalates with various user interactions and state management, JavaScript may become necessary. If your design demands more detail—icons, labels, or complex transitions—you’ll need a more advanced mix of HTML, CSS, or even SVG and JavaScript. These variations present their own trade-offs in simplicity, flexibility, and browser compatibility, which are critical considerations when designing UI elements.

Venturing beyond this demonstration, the principles we’ve touched upon here will act as your compass. Remember, effective design doesn’t solely hinge on mastering individual technologies, but on understanding how they synergize.
